Melia Propolis

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Melia Nature Indonesia

Every day we are faced with pollution, radiation, millions of viruses, bacteria, fungus and other toxins that are ready to attack us and cause various diseases.
Keeping the immune system is a best defense. The immune system is a system consisting of blood cells and gland cell complex, to protect the body against various disease factors. Often we ignore these factors and disease factors only realized after we are attacked by the disease and sometimes acts of treatment was too late.
Factors that greatly affect our immune system decline and are vulnerable to various attacks of disease are:
1. The pattern of life is not true
    Rest is not enough and do not exercise regularly.
2. Unhealthy diet
    Fast food is not enough needed nutrients.
3. Unhealthy environment (pollution and radiation)
   Our body needs a nutrient that can improve the immune system and can fight various diseases.
   Therefore, PT. Melia Nature Indonesia offers a product that can be a solution to any health problems and economic  problems. These products are Melia and Melia Propolis Biyang HGH (Human Growth Hormone).


PROPOLIS comes from the Greek, PRO = before, POLIS= City = Defense System City. Propolis collected by bees from plants or young shoots and bark of trees, especially poplar and mixed with saliva, which is used for patching holes in the honeycomb of a beehive as well as protect against viruses, bacteria and fungi.
PROPOLIS is substrate sap that came out of leaf buds and bark of plants that produce sap, which is collected by honey bees, then mixed with a substance that is secreted from the salivary glands of bees.
PROPOLIS used to patch the bee hive and the cells lining the honeycomb cells. Propolis is used to protect nests and larvae from bacterial attack, virus, fungi and other enemies of bees. With the Propolis is a beehive cells become very sterile even mentioned as the most sterile room in the world.

1. PROPOLIS contain Bioflavonoids, namely antioxidants that work directly in the cell body cell.Ingredients Bioflavonoids in propolis is equivalent to one drop of Bioflavonoids derived from citrus fruit 750.
 2. PROPOLIS contains all the minerals needed by the body unless sulfur.
3.  PROPOLIS chains contain 16 Essential Amino Acids are needed for cell regeneration.
 4. PROPOLIS contain all the vitamins except vitamin K
"PROPOLIS with Propolis extract content of 20% and bioflavonoid content of more than 23 000 ppm for every 100 ml is prepared products to help improve your endurance."
 1. Detoxification (Cleansing), clean up and remove the causes of disease from the body.
 2. Natural Antibiotic (no side effects), improve performance tymus gland which is the defense and energy of life.
                Propolis Bioflavonoids in which to destroy bacteria resistant to synthetic antibiotics.
3.  Increase immunity, increasing the activity and multiplication of T lymphocytes and useful magrofag destroy foreign substances in the body.
 4. Antioxidants (to prevent tumors and cancer), neutralize and remove toxins, oxygen free radicals and complement electron cells.

Healing Within:
Taken: Propolis drops with ¼ cup water (very nice mixed with honey original)
Healthy people: 3-4 drops (2-3 times a day)
The sick: 50-10 drops (5-7 times a day)
Healing Outside:
Propolis Apply evenly on the body of a wound or sore. Propolis can be taken with other medications without side effects.

Propolis as a natural treatment contains the active substance that serves as a remedy for various diseases. Function of treatment include the following:
1. Propolis as a natural antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal as well as naturally without side effects
2. Propolis cure diseases associated with bacteria such as: thypus, diarrhea, and so forth. Can also to a very annoying underarm odor kerana in armpit folds contained bacteria or fungi that cause odor.
3. Propolis cure diseases associated with viruses such as: dengue fever, flu, tuberculosis and so on.
4. Propolis to heal diseases related to fungi such as: eczema, skin fungus, vaginal discharge, dandruff, and so forth.
5. Propolis as an anti-inflammatory (infection and injury) eg: ulcers, wounds, sore throat, toothache, kidney inflammation, burns and so forth.
6. Propolis as anti-cancer and mutagenesis of cells for example: cancer, tumors, myom, cysts, and so forth.
7. Propolis works to cleanse and detoxify the blood vessel removal of toxins, eg uric acid, cholesterol, trigliserin, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabeters mellitus and so forth.

Human Growth Hormone, a protein hormone produced by the pituitary gland. Human growth hormone decreased with increasing age. At the age of 60 years of Growth Hormone volume only 25% when compared with the age of 21 years. Factor factor that makes the human aging process is much faster than they should are factors of unhealthy lifestyles.
Reduced volume of HGH will cause decreased metabolism system and the emergence of symptoms of aging, memory decreases, gray hair, wrinkles wrinkles, stamina is not prime, easily tired, very susceptible to disease, decreased sexual power. 

Natural ingredient that works to stimulate the pituitary gland to continue to produce growth hormone, resulting in improved system of the body metabolism, cell regeneration, it will happen Biological Age Reversal and can increase sexual activity and stamina, and also boost immunity.
• Colostrum
• Vitamin B complex
• Amino Acid and Calcium

1. Improve memory and increase bone strength
2. Adding physical and mental stamina
3. Enhance sexual performance
4. Speeding up the healing process and enhance immunity
5. Help cure high blood pressure / stroke
6. Improve vision
7. Helps restore hair color and growth
8. Stimulate the function of vital organs such as pancreas, brain, spleen and kidney.

Sprayed onto the bottom of the tongue:
Age 40 years and under 3 times spray
Age 40-60 years 4 times spray
Age 60 years and above 5 times the spray
Used in the morning before breakfast and at night before bed.

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