Melia Propolis

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


image : medindia

WHAT IS A cervical cancer?
• Cervical cancer is the growth of a group of abnormal cells in the cervix (neck of the womb).
• This change usually takes several years before they become cancerous. Therefore there is an opportunity that actually long enough to detect if there is a change in cervical cells through screening (pap smear or IVA) and handle them before they become cervical cancer.

HOW symptoms
• Most HPV infections and cervical cancer early stage take place without causing any symptoms at all, so people can still live their daily activities.
• However, if the examination can be found in the early detection of cervical cells that are not normally called as well as precancerous lesions.
• If the cancer is already experiencing advanced stages of the progression or symptoms that can arise include:

1. Bleeding after intercourse.
2. Spontaneous bleeding that occurs between regular menstrual periods.
3. The emergence of whiteness is mixed with blood and smelled.
4. Pelvic pain and impaired or can not even urinate.
5. Pain during intercourse.

• Do not delay to contact your doctor if you have any symptoms.

• The main cause is a virus called Human Papilloma (HPV) that can cause cancer.
• HPV 16 and 18 collectively represent 70% of the causes of cervical cancer.
• Usually, most infections will heal on its own but sometimes can be a persistent infection that can develop into cervical cancer.
• The need to know about the HPV virus:
1. HPV can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.

2. Transmission can also occur even if not through sexual intercourse.

3. HPV can survive in hot temperatures.

Measures of treatment or therapy relies heavily on stage at diagnosis of cervical cancer. Known for some action (modalities) in the governance of cervical cancer, among others:
1. Surgery (surgical treatment).
2. Radiotherapy
3. Chemotherapy
4. Palliative therapy (supportive care) are more focused on improving the quality of life of patients. For example: Eating foods that contain nutrients, control pain (pain control).

• Any woman at risk of HPV cause cervical cancer in their lifetime regardless of age, background and lifestyle.
• Any woman at risk because:
1. Usually, most infections will heal on its own. Those who experience persistent infection rarely show symptoms at an early stage, and usually develop into cervical cancer a few years later.
2. After HPV infection, our body can not always establish immunity, then we are not protected from subsequent infection.

• Married / sexual intercourse at a young age.
• Frequent delivery.
• Smoking.
• Switching-changing sexual partners.
• sexually transmitted infections.

Source : kankerserviks

Monday, November 29, 2010

Prevent Breast Cancer by using Propolis

image : lynn

Who is not afraid to hear the term breast cancer. But unconsciously she always staked out by the deadly disease. Who are still silent sufferers is increasing from year to year. Based on the WHO report there are at least 1.1 million new cases appearing each year worldwide. And, almost more than half occurred in newly developing countries.

Bumps Not Always Visible
"Of particular concern now, there is a trend decline in age at onset of breast cancer. If it had mostly occurred at the age of 35-55 years and rarely below the age of 25 years, now shifted younger. Now quite a lot of events at the age of 20-30 years. Even based on my personal experience, there is a 15-year-old daughter who was suffering from breast cancer, "said dr.Sutjipto, Sp.B (K) Onk. , A specialist in surgical oncology from Siloam Hospitals is also chairman of the Breast Health Foundation in Jakarta.
What cause? According to research, breast cancer caused by genetic factors only about 5 to 7.5 percent. Most cases of breast cancer are all factors beyond genetics that doctors sometimes difficult to answer, what triggers the exact cause of breast cancer.

Unfortunately, based on experience Sutjipto about 60-70 percent of patients who come to the hospital already in a state of suffering from breast cancer stage III and above. This is due mostly early-stage breast cancer are not always visible lumps or cause any complaints for the sufferer.
So it can not be absolutely prevented, so that could be done only by detecting as early as possible so as not to be late unknown.

Self Check
The easiest thing to do is breast self-exam or breast self-examination.
Sutjipto advocate for young women, since the age of 20 years of doing regular breast self-exam. This can be done each time after bathing and outside the menstrual period.
How, standing in front of the glass, right hand to check the left breast and vice versa. Do check with your palms touching rotate clockwise and vice versa as many times. Make sure, no bejolan or gronjolan in the breast.

Breast Ultrasound
As for the women who had turned 30 years old, perform breast ultrasound or breast ultrasound. The trick is similar to ultrasound womb.
First, patients were asked to lie on the bed and then the breast is given gel. Then the medic will run around the transducer to the breast to get a picture of a tumor or cyst in the breast.

Mammography No Longer Painful
When entering the age of 40 years, Sutjipto recommend to combine the two ways of detection (ultrasound and breast self-exam) with mammography.
Mammography should be performed 3 years for patients aged 40-45 years. However, especially for such high-risk, obese, no children and no history of cancer in the family, mammography can be done every 2 years.
Meanwhile, when entering the age of 50 years, mammography can be done 2-3 years. Similarly, when women were aged over 60 years, mammography done about 1-2 years.
No need to fear with mammography for mammography equipment is now computerized enough. This computerized system allows the emphasis adequately to obtain an accurate picture of the condition of the mammary gland.
"So do not be afraid of pain and will lead to more malignant cancer," said Sutjipto rectify a wrong assumption in the community.
How to do this such as chest X-ray mammography. First, patients were asked to release a variety of metal accessories and apparel and special clothing mammography use only.
To position when performing mammography, can sit or stand depending on the equipment used. Then one of the breast is placed on a flat plate and at the top there is a kind of plastic breasts pressing down to flatten. This method is intended to show that breast tissue will disinar-X.
The photos of breast glands will be taken from various angles to obtain an optimum accuracy. In the mammography machine types Full Field Digital Mammography (FFDM), which works digitally, X-ray images obtained can be manipulated on a computer screen so that improved accuracy results of X-rays.
MRI More Details
If after an ultrasound and mammography found irregularities, an investigation followed by an MRI (magnetic resonace imaging) of the breast. This method is also an alternative detection of breast cancer for women over 40 years old or who does not like mammography.
Of course, it takes no small cost to do this.
How, patients injected contrast agent or a kind of liquid that will remove the color. Then the patients entered into the hallway and fired a magnetic power that will produce a particular color on a network that has been injected contrast agents.
In the end will get the picture structure, form and composition of the breast in greater detail even can capture a cell that already leads to cancer.

Breast thermography
Other options complement is a way to detect breast cancer with breast Thermography. Based on clinical studies, when done in conjunction with mammography, the sensitivity will increase to 98 percent.
It is said, thermography is relatively safe because it does not cause radiation, without any injection or emphasis. By utilizing digital infra-red thermal imaging, will be obtained pattern of normal and abnormal heat generated by the presence of cancer cells.
Way, patient enough to stand in front of thermography equipment. Then the officer will record the pattern of breast hot. If there is a red color (sign of abnormal high temperature), then there is the activity of tumor cells.

Breast cancer used to Melia Propolis dependent stage of the cancer. In the early use of Propolis 5-6 drops per day. Note the effect of acts of revenge.

 This article taken from : Tabloid Nova

Sunday, November 28, 2010


image : mountnittany

Sinusitis is the inflammation of the inner lining of the sinuses, so swell, disrupt the normal flow of mucus and cause a blockage. Consequently sinus mucus or pus filled.
The cause of inflammation is an infection by viruses or bacteria. Sinus itself is empty cavity around the nose and filled the air.
Sine function is:
1. Helping smell the smells
2. Moisten and warm the air we breathe
3. Improving sound quality
4. Generate lenders to cleanse and moisturize the nasal canal channel.
We have some sinus which is located beside and above the nose. Most sinus was formed when we were born and the other newly-formed after our 2 year old or older. In the sinuses are tiny hair called Cilia hair. In normal circumstances it continues Cilia move mucus out of the sine sweep toward the nose and throat.
In patients with sinusitis, the outflow tract of mucus congestion, so that lenders remain in the sinuses. These lenders gathering invite more bacteria to breed in the sinus and subsequently increase the number of lenders.
If this is left the longer lenders will be more viscous, it can even turn into pus. This happens when a lot of white blood cells that die in the struggle against the bacteria that exist in these lenders. Mucus or pus in the sinus is the cause sinusitis.
Causes and risk factors:
1. Virus infection in upper respiratory tract is the most frequent trigger sinusitis. Viral infections will increase the production of lenders and can damage Cilia cells, thus slowing spending from sinus mucus.
2. Bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract
3. Reactive hyper reaction, such as runny nose continuously, especially in the morning before sunrise
4. The presence of polyps in the nose, this small tissue growth may slow discharge and facilitate the occurrence of infection
5. Cold air, cigarette smoke
6. Infection teeth or dentures installation of inappropriate
7. Or go diving plane
8. Irritation from chemicals
Signs and symptoms:
1. Exit lenders thick green or yellow
2. Constant runny nose
3. Swollen or clogged nose, which makes it hard to breathe through your nose
4. Pain or felt no pressure at the site which becomes inflamed sinuses. Depending on which sinus is inflamed, the pain may appear at the top of the teeth or cheek, between the two where, above the eyebrows, upper face and can spread to the back of the head bottom
5. Pain worsens when bending or lying patients
6. Headache
7. Fever
How to overcome:
Steamed, by inhaling hot money several times a day, help thin mucus and ease spending. If you need to use warm compresses around the nose, cheeks and eyes to help thin the mucus, thereby reducing the pain on the face.
Drink 8 glasses of water every day, will help thin the fluid in the sinuses and help accelerate their spending.
Because most cases of sinusitis worsened due to bacterial infection, antibiotics are needed
Consumption Melia Propolis 5 x 8 drops per day for adults or 5 x 4 drops in children <12 years. Do it in the room without air conditioning and without dust

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Eliminating Kidney Stone Surgery Without Knives

image : womenshealth

Jakarta, kidney function is to filter out impurities in the blood, to be disposed of together with urine. Kidney stones form when the dirt from the food to harden and form crystals in the kidney and urinary tract.

Kidney stones are to be removed for normal functioning kidney. Now, with advances in technology today to get rid of kidney stone is no longer a difficult thing.

One way to treat kidney stone disease is by lithotripsy method. Scientists continue to innovate with the latest generation lithotripsy devices that facilitate the treatment process.

Methods ESWL (Extracoporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy) is the act of breaking the stone from outside the body using shock waves. This can be done on the kidney or urinary tract stones the size of 4-20 mm. With ESWL, the stone will be broken into small pieces like sand so it can come out with urine.

"When compared with the method of operation, ESWL is clearly more convenient for patients because it does not involve surgery," said dr. Gideon FP Tampubolon, gas stations in the release after the ceremony 'Latest Kidney Stone Therapy' in the Premier Hospital Bintaro, received detikHealth, Friday (08/20/2010).

ESWL tool owned by the hospital. Premier Bintaro is the latest generation tool that has advantages when compared to the previous generation. In addition to a new generation ESWL, RS Premier Bintaro also equip the facility with Angiography Machine and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

The advantage of these latest generation ESWL devices include designs that use robotics and computerized systems. In addition, the tool is equipped with ultrasound and X-ray that can move automatically so that energy is always constant dose were fired in the process destroy the stone.

dr. Gideon explains, a computerized system to determine the dose shock wave energy to be fired so that the shootings could really right on target and able to destroy the stone that became the target. These developments make doctors and patients become more comfortable.

"In addition to more accurate, the process becomes shorter, which is about 1 hour. In addition, patients generally do not need hospitalization, except in cases with complications or severe cases. After the action, usually patients only have to rest 2-3 days, "said the doctor graduated from medical faculty of the UI.

Even so after kidney stone surgery patients also should always apply a healthy lifestyle. Because kidney stones may recur again if the patient is less indiscriminate in food or drinking water.

Some of the recommended diet for people with kidney stones, taken from Gicare are:

1. Drink plenty of water
Water is the most important diet to prevent kidney stones, kidney stones because the components forming a whole together is easier urination. Patients with kidney stones are advised to urinate about 2.5 liters a day, so must drink more than that amount. If the hot weather or under a lot of activity, water consumption should be multiplied in order to more frequent urination.

2. Limit calcium
Usually the body will not absorb calcium than required. However, in certain circumstances such as hipercalciuria, excess calcium is excreted through the kidneys in urine. Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit the maximum calcium intake 800 mg / day for men and 1,200 mg / day for women.

Calcium is found in many green vegetables, milk and other dairy-based processed products. Calcium in milk is more easily absorbed by the intestine than in green vegetables.

3. Limit oxalate
Together with calcium, oxalate (which contains the unit COO2 acid) can cause kidney stones to form crystals. Therefore, kidney stone patients are advised to reduce or even avoid altogether food containing oxalate. Among them are spinach, strawberry, chocolate and tea.

Patients with kidney stones are advised to limit consumption of oxalate is not more than 50 mg / day.

4. Limit salt and vegetable protein
Limiting salt intake of sodium may reduce the amount of calcium released through the kidneys. Therefore if the form is calcium stones, then the sodium salt consumption should be limited to between 2500-3500 mg / day.

While animal protein can lead to several types of minerals in the urine to form kidney stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones should be replaced with vegetable protein.

5. Expand insoluble fiber
There are 2 types of fiber that is soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, each having the same essential function in the body. But in this case, the insoluble fiber found in wheat, rice and wheat can reduce the levels of calcium in urine. These fibers bind calcium when in the intestine, so it is not excreted through the kidneys.

6. Limit your intake of vitamin C
One result of the metabolism of vitamin C is oxalate. Because oxalic acid can form crystals, then the patient of kidney stones should limit intake of vitamin C.

Source : Sandika Dwi Putri - detikHealth

Monday, November 22, 2010

Antibiotics are not a cure all

image BusinessWeek

Antibiotics also known as anti-bacterial drugs are medicines used to treat infections caused by bacteria. Alexander Fleming in 1927 discovered the first antibiotic is penicillin. Once put into use in general in 1940, then antibiotic treatment can be practically changed the world and reducing morbidity and mortality caused by infectious diseases dramatically.

Meaning of antibiotics in the first refers to the compound produced by fungi or microorganisms that can kill bacteria that cause disease in animals and humans. Currently, several types of antibiotics are synthetic compounds (not produced from mikororganisme) but also can kill or inhibit bacterial growth. Technically, a substance that can kill good bacteria in the form of synthetic or natural compounds called antimicrobial substances, but many people who call it with antibiotics. Although antibiotics have very many benefits, excessive use of antibiotics can also trigger the occurrence of antibiotic resistance.

How antibiotics work ?

To understand how antibiotics work, note first 2 types of germs that cause many diseases, namely bacteria and viruses. Although there are some bacteria and certain viruses that can cause disease with similar symptoms, but both bacteria and viruses have a way of reproduction and spread of different diseases.

Bacteria are single-celled living organisms. Bacteria can be found anywhere & most do not cause harm or even beneficial, such as Lactobacillus, the bacteria that live in the small intestine and helps to digest food. But there are also harmful bacteria and cause illness due to invade the body, multiply and disrupt the normal functioning of the body. Antibiotics effective against bacteria because it can kill the organisms and inhibit bacterial growth or reproduction.

Virus, not a living thing and can not stand alone. Viruses are particles containing genetic material wrapped by a layer of protein. Viruses can only live, grow and reproduce only after their entry into living cells. Some viruses can be destroyed by the immune system before they cause disease, but there are also other types of viruses (such as the flu virus) that cause disease but it can disappear by itself. Viruses do not respond to antibiotics at all.

Dangers of antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics since first used in 1940 is one of the great advances in medicine. However, excessive prescribing of antibiotics having an impact on the development of bacteria that become unresponsive to antibiotics, which had previously been successful (resistant). In addition, children who consume antibiotics that should not be required to have risk for experiencing other side effects, such as stomach upsets and diarrhea.

Antibiotic resistance itself is the ability of bacteria or other microorganisms to withstand the effects of antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria can change themselves in such a way that can reduce the effectiveness of a drug, chemicals or other substances that were previously intended to cure or prevent disease infection. As a result, the bakery still can survive and reproduce so that more and more dangerous.

The bacteria can form a special resistance against a certain type of antibiotics, thus endangering people affected by the disease. Misunderstandings that often occur in people the notion that are resistant to certain drugs is a body of people, when in fact the bacteria in the body tersebutlah become resistant to treatment, not his body.

Dangers of antibiotic resistance is one of the problems that can threaten public health. Almost all types of bacteria has become stronger and less responsive to antibiotic treatment. Bacteria that have experienced resistance to this antibiotic can be spread to family members, friends or neighbors so that threaten the community will the presence of new infectious diseases are more difficult to treat and more expensive medical bills.

How Bacteria become resistant to antibiotics

Drinking antibiotics to treat colds or diseases caused by viruses, not only useless but also can cause harm. In the long term this can make the bacteria more difficult to be destroyed. The use of antibiotics is often & not as necessary to produce new types of bacteria that can survive the treatment given or so-called bacterial resistance. These new types of bacteria require higher doses or stronger antibiotics to be destroyed.

The use of antibiotics encourages the development of resistant bacteria. Each person uses antibiotics, the bacteria are sensitive to be killed but the resistant bacteria will continue to exist, grow and reproduce. The main cause of increasing bacterial antibiotic resistance is the use of repeated and inappropriate therapeutic range. The key to controlling the spread of these resistant bacteria is the use of appropriate antibiotic therapy and appropriate range (dose, frequency and duration of drug use.)

How to prevent the occurence of resistance to antibiotics

We can contribute actively to prevent the occurrence of bacterial resistance, the way is to use antibiotics appropriately and appropriate therapeutic range. Although antibiotics are a very strong drug, but the only effective antibiotic for use against diseases caused by bacteria and not by other microbes such as fever, cough or flu. Here are some useful tips when we went to the doctor:
• Ask if antibiotics are given beneficial to the disease being suffered today.
• Do not use antibiotics for infectious diseases caused by viruses such as flu.
• Where to get antibiotics, should be used until exhausted. Do not leave these antibiotics for treatment at a later time.
• Use antibiotics that are given appropriate advice from a doctor. Use a regular basis until they run out even though it felt fine. If antibiotic treatment is stopped too soon, some bacteria may survive and cause infection again.
• Do not use antibiotics in prescribed to another person. Sometimes because they feel symptoms of a disease that is felt the same, then we equate the treatment with that person, but could be a need for each person is different.
• If the doctor concluded that the disease we do not require antibiotic treatment, check with other medications that can help relieve the symptoms we feel. Do not force doctors to give antibiotics to the kit

Source : Medicastore

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Diabetes is Not Sweet on cost

Jakarta, Diabetes mellitus, often called disease of sugar, though never as sweet as its name if it is talking about the cost of care. High cost of care is increasingly becoming the burden along with the increasing number of sufferers worldwide.

International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that 30 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes in 1985 and jumped to 150 million within the next 10 years. Now the number reached 285 million and is expected to continue to increase to 438 million by 2030, larger than the population throughout Europe today.

Unfortunately, even the largest increases experienced by developing countries like Indonesia that are economically relatively less strong compared to developed countries. Where as long-term treatment and care of diabetes requires facilities and facilities that are not cheap.

"The awareness of healthy lifestyles in developed countries is higher so that diabetes is only experienced by the age of 65 years and over. In developing countries, have reached the age of 45-64 years," said Dr. Pradeep Soewondo, SpPD-KEMD of the Society for Endocrinology Indonesia, in a press conference World Diabetes Day at the Hotel Le Meridien, Jakarta, Friday (11/19/2010).

Though limited means, facilities and funds for treatment will determine the quality of life with diabetes. Moreover, care and treatment of this disease is usually done in the long run, even practically a lifetime.

For example, the death rate from diabetes in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa are classified as poor 4 times higher than the average worldwide. One of the triggers is the inability of local governments to provide cheap drugs and generic insulin.

Life expectancy of people with diabetes in the region are generally low, but still varies according to economic capacity and level of government concern. For example, in Zamibia who have insulin management program is better, life expectancy of people with diabetes may reach 11 years.

While in Mali, life expectancy is only 30 months in the absence of programs that ensure the availability and affordability of insulin. Life expectancy of people with diabetes in Mozambique even shorter, because not many who survive more than 1 year.

The expensive cost of treatment and care

Increasingly large number of people with diabetes make the cost required for treatment and care come to swell. Swelling was estimated to cost even much more rapidly than the population growth rate worldwide.

During 2007 alone, diabetes care around the world carrying cost an estimated U.S. $ 232 billion. Quoted from worlddiabetesday, Friday (11/19/2010), in 2025 the cost was expected to continue to swell until it reaches U.S. $ 302.5 billion.

In industrialized countries, 25 percent of the cost of diabetes treatment is used to control blood sugar levels. Treatment of long-term complications such as heart disease spend 25 percent of the total cost, while the remaining 50 percent is used for other treatments related to diabetes.

While in poor countries like India, people with diabetes on average spend 25 percent of total revenues only for treatment. And that's usually just enough to overcome the increase in sugar content is really high and threaten the soul, not for routine treatment.

The same difficulties experienced by countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, the average income is higher. Lack of health insurance from the government to make people with diabetes in the region still have to bear 40-60 percent of his own pocket medical expenses.

Most or nearly 50 percent also run out to buy the drugs control blood sugar levels. Left only little or even no residual at all to treat complications, such as high blood pressure (hypertension), cholesterol (hyperlipidemia), and heart disease.

The cost is much cheaper to prevent

Although the rate of pengingkatan number of people with diabetes in developing countries are on average higher than developed countries, some countries in Asia successfully mengeremnya including Singapore and Thailand. Dr. Pradeep said, a healthy lifestyle is the key to success for both countries.

"In Thailand, the school cafeteria does not sell candy, soft drinks and fast food. In Singapore, students who are fat can not leave early, there are special events sports after school hours. Compulsory military also distinguished, if generally only 6 months then for youth the obese a longer time, "he said.

As prevention, these steps are already quite effective considering one risk factor for diabetes is obesity. But for those who already have diabetes, world health organization WHO provides 4 steps to prevent the swelling cost of care.

The four steps were judged not only easy to do, but also cheap when compared with the cost needed in case of complications such as impotence, heart attacks and amputations. Quoted from worlddiabetesday, here are 4 steps mentioned:
Blood sugar control in a minimal but routine
1. Control your blood pressure regularly
2. Legs for people with diabetes are at high risk of injury
3. Care before pregnancy (preconception) for women with diabetes to prevent gestational diabetes
Meanwhile, to commemorate World Diabetes Day which falls on November 14, pharmaceutical companies Sanovi-Aventis Group, held a campaign themed "Doing More Together". The campaign was conducted through the launch of e-baloon, electronic balloons symbolizing awareness of diabetes.

Sanovi-Aventis, which is an official partner of World Diabetes Day 2010 invites anyone who cares about diabetes to release balloons together electronically. You do this by visiting and clicking the balloon that appears on the site.

Source: AN Uyung Pramudiarja - detikHealth

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Dengue disease is an infectious disease caused by dengue viruses, transmitted by Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes through a bite.
Mosquitoes are widespread in homes, schools and other public places such as places of worship, restaurants, offices, etc. so that every family and community at risk for contracting the disease Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. Attacking all ages and can result in death within a short time, if not helped quickly and accurately.

Signs and symptoms of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever:
1. High heat duration 2-7 days (38oC - 40oC)
2. Abdominal pain
3. Bleeding in the form of: red spots on skin, or nosebleeds, or bleeding gums, and even worse may be accompanied by vomiting blood and dysentery.
4. Signs of shock: weak, cold skin, wet, unconscious and restless.

Count the number of platelets and hemoglobin in blood tests

Medicines for Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever disease there is no vaccine to prevent it and also not yet exist, so the only way to eradicate this disease is to eradicate Aedes Aegyti mosquitoes.

It is recommended in patients with Dengue Fever to:
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Give a cold water compress / ice water
3. Give the medicine go down heat
4. Immediately take to a doctor / health worker
5. Monitor Platelets count should not be <100,000, the normal Hb approximately 12 mg / dl

If heat loss 2-7 days Dengue alert and abdominal Thypus. Consumption immediately Melia Propolis 4-5 x 10 drops per day until fever disappeared and no symptoms of nausea, sore heartburn, and headaches.
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